Wednesday, May 15, 2013

More Planting and Care

Just a short update.  I've got onions coming up! I'm not sure if they're the Walla Walla Sweet or the Purplette Scallion because of how disturbed things were by the cats so I'll have to wait and see.  Never the less, there are onions!  I discovered this when I went out today to plant some old potatoes that had gone to eye in my cuppboard - might as well make use of them by growing more potatoes!  I was going to put them where the onions had been planted since nothing had come up yet, but found something had!

So I dug out some space to the right of the garden in the small flower bed right in front of my patio and planted the potato starters there.  I've never planted potatoes like this before - by using left over ones bought from the store.  I'm not entirely sure it'll work, but they would have been just thrown away if not.  So here's hoping I get some Golden Yukon potatoes!

Tomorrow it's down to the store to get the nails I need to put together my support system for the tomatoes and bell peppers.  Maybe some more soil too for the planters I have and more plants too! I've a hankering to get some strawberries growing.
Thanks for reading!

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