Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Hiking in the Rain

So, like I said, we went to Hoyt Arboretum on Memorial Day.  It was a pretty consistent mist during the hike, and then a 5 minute deluge towards the end.  We had a lot of fun though!  Here's a few pics that I took.

Daniel & Kate

Bart & Christina
Me & Kate



I hope to paint or draw this :)

Gonna try to paint or draw this too.


Best climbing tree ever!


We had rain most of that week and the sun has just now been coming out the last couple days with today reaching a high of 85F.  My garden is doing pretty good.  My basil is completely gone from what ever has been munching on it.  Also I found out that the cucumber had bacterial wilt which is transmitted by a cucumber beetle. It must have gotten the wilt before I'd purchased it though cause I haven't seen any beetles like that and it was already pretty wilted even before I'd planted it.  So I'm going to see about getting a replacement and hope that it does better.

The California Wonder bell peppers are looking better since I misted them with the garlic/chili powder infusion.  The Devil's Tongue Romain in the planter is doing really nice and I've got a really healthy looking potato plant coming up too!

Devil's Tongue Romain Lettuce

Golden Yukon Potato

In other news: My son is coming to visit for 6 weeks of his summer vacation this Saturday.  I'm very excited about that.  He likes gardening too so I hope to get some great family photos of us working out there together!  Great timing too, since I'm starting to get more weeds since the rain - everything started growing more ha ha!  That's about all to report.  Thanks for reading!